double derivation
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Given a commutative ring k k and an associative k k -algebra A A over k k , the tensor product A ⊗ k A A\otimes_k A is equipped with two bimodule structures, “outer” and “inner”. For the outer structure a ⋅ o ( b ⊗ c ) ⋅ o d = a b ⊗ c d a\cdot_o(b\otimes c)\cdot_o d = a b\otimes c d and for the inner a ⋅ i ( b ⊗ c ) ⋅ i d = b d ⊗ a c a\cdot_i(b\otimes c)\cdot_i d = b d\otimes a c . The two bimodule structures mutually commute. A k k -linear map α ∈ Hom k ( A , A ⊗ A ) \alpha\in Hom_k(A,A\otimes A) is called a double derivation if it is also a map of A A -bimodules with respect to the outer bimodule structure (α ∈ A Mod A ( A A A , A A ⊗ k A A ) \alpha\in A Mod A({}_A A_A,{}_A A\otimes_k A_A) ); thus the k k -module Der ( A , A ⊗ A ) Der(A,A\otimes A) of all double derivations becomes an A A -bimodule with respect to the inner A A -bimodule structure.
The tensor algebra T A Der ( A , A ⊗ A ) T_A Der(A,A\otimes A) of the A A -bimodule Der ( A , A ⊗ A ) Der(A,A\otimes A) (which is the free monoid on Der ( A , A ⊗ A ) Der(A,A\otimes A) in the monoidal category of A A -bimodules) is a step in the definition of the deformed preprojective algebra s of Bill Crawley-Boevey . A theorem of Michel Van den Bergh says that for any associative A A the tensor algebra T A Der ( A , A ⊗ A ) T_A Der(A,A\otimes A) has a canonical double Poisson bracket .
Michel Van den Bergh , Double Poisson algebras , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008) 5711–5769, arXiv:math.AG/0410528
Anne Pichereau, Geert Van de Weyer, Double Poisson cohomology of path algebras of quivers , J. Alg. 319 , 5 (2008), 2166–2208 doi
Jorge A. Guccione, Juan J. Guccione, A characterization of quiver algebras based on double derivations , arXiv:0807.1148
William Crawley-Boevey , Pavel Etingof , Victor Ginzburg , Noncommutative geometry and quiver algebras , Adv. Math. 209 :1 (2007) 274-336 doi
Victor Ginzburg , Travis Schedler , Differential operators and BV structures in noncommutative geometry , Sel. Math. New Ser. 16, 673–730 (2010) doi
Victor Ginzburg , Travis Schedler , Boris Tsygan , Free products, cyclic homology, and the Gauss–Manin connection , Advances in Mathematics 231 :3-4 (2012) 2352–2389 doi
Last revised on October 15, 2023 at 16:27:46.
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